Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 132,843,682 Issue: 273 | 5th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Inviso Problemo

by marshmallow_ghost

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Super Attack Pea to the Resc- eeewwwww!

by tirilia


Pop 'Em In Your Mouth!
Pop these Top 10 "pop 'em in your mouth candies" in your mouth!

by lurking_and_giving


A Bracelet, a Mask, and a Newbie
I did what any mature and responsible person would do. I yelled over to him, taking care to be extra tactful and subtle: "HEY CRAZY MASK GUY, WHAT ARE YOU SELLING OVER THERE?"

by tazmanianunicorn


T.O.T.A.L.L.Y. C.R.A.Z.Y.: Chemistry for Beginners

by 0x_freaky_x0

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