The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 132,843,682 Issue: 273 | 5th day of Sleeping, Y9
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The (Mis)adventures of (Miss) Amelia

by chaterboxie

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A Bracelet, a Mask, and a Newbie
I did what any mature and responsible person would do. I yelled over to him, taking care to be extra tactful and subtle: "HEY CRAZY MASK GUY, WHAT ARE YOU SELLING OVER THERE?"

by tazmanianunicorn


The Superior Race
Why is it Chias don't need to open their eyes?

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Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part Three
He tried to look the pet in its eyes, but its face was covered in the clashing black and white checkered pattern, and it was difficult to tell if the Draik was sincere. Its voice was smooth and mysterious, and this did not reveal its intentions either. Lao felt a feeling of helplessness wash over him as he realized that there was no way to tell whether this creature was here to help or harm him...

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Random Stories, Series 2 - Snowball Fight...?
What a weird variation of this game. Or did they just not understand the rules?

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