teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 133,024,427 Issue: 274 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y9
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by scar19

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When Gnomes Go Bad - A Guide
Watch out! Flying cheese!

by roses_suga_and_stars


It Must Be Love
"Look at me just throw money away." She opens her fingers and the little red coin falls, landing with a clatter. "I can't pick up the love I hold for you and just drop it down the sink..."

by icegirl_sara


Just Another Day
Ugh, my stomach...

by miacirclegirl


Amelie Wins The Battle: Part One
She felt terrible. She had spent the last two months trying to forget, but she kept getting flashbacks and then she would remember again. This awful thing that haunted her was the reason that she was so shy, the reason that she had a scar on her left cheek, that...

by bethany4ever131

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