A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 135,380,866 Issue: 275 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y9
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by cannonsmbt

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In This Together: Part Eight
The passage was opening up, becoming wider and taller, and I pulled myself to my hooves and started to run. Lights flashed past me as I bolted down the corridor...

by rainbow_daydreamer


Amelie Wins The Battle: Part Two
"Quiet! Quiet! Yes, you at the back, that includes you, everyone, SHUT UP! My name's Lizzie, and I will be taking you for Battledome courses. Now, you are all on Grasshopper courses, but hopefully..."

by bethany4ever131


A Very Feepit Christmas: Part Five
At the doorway to the living room, Cadmium was literally bouncing up and down in anticipation. "Can we have at 'em?" she asked, her green eyes dancing with excitement...

by rainpaint


Sweet Dreams
Nighttime is ALL the time!

Idea by firegirldesigns

by amit_oryan

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