Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Grasping At Shadows: Why Short Hair?

by mindsend

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Twisted Fate
Note: No wockies were harmed in the making of this comic...

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Sword of the Shapeshifter: Part One
And then, a number of weeks ago- Vex was no longer certain how long it had been- Lord Darigan had also disappeared...

Art by sarahleeadvent

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The Development of Petpet Cannonball
All of the petpets cowered in fear, hearing the stampede of wooden peg legs and thick boots from above. The young ones in the small pit huddled as close as possible to the veterans...

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Rank: Bone Thief!
But why?!

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