The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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It Was a Dark and Meepy Night

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo

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Grasping At Shadows: Why Short Hair?
Inspired by true events! 8D

by mindsend


Into Defending?
In the game, you will have a number of neopets pictures and a question presented to you. To answer the question, click on the picture of the correct answer.

by georgina_248


Idle Chatter
Just smile and nod...

by party_hobbit


Why Isn't Anyone Joining My Guild? (Part 2)
There are numerous factors. This time I dedicate my piece to a person who ultimately makes or breaks a newborn guild: the leader.

by squekepiggie123

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