Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Bad Choices

by weirdo_number_7

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Striped Hat: Fearsome Battledome weapon or the latest fashion trend?

by scar19


Kawaii - Meridell
On second thought...

by crow213


Why Isn't Anyone Joining My Guild? (Part 2)
There are numerous factors. This time I dedicate my piece to a person who ultimately makes or breaks a newborn guild: the leader.

by squekepiggie123


The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Lookup Makers Make
Of course, we are only scratching the surface of the mistakes people tend to make while creating their masterpieces, but here are the most detrimental...

by derangedsmile

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