teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 137,350,242 Issue: 277 | 2nd day of Awakening, Y9
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Done Deal! - Tomato Tantrum

by pantheray

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A Very Lucky Wocky
But she had to stay indoors and practise for her Battledome fight tomorrow. There were five books she hadn't read yet, either...

by yoyote


Afternoon Tea: Part Two
Darren sipped patiently at his eighth cup of tea. "Well, at least you've talked it out," he replied. "It's good to get your emotions out in the open..."

by reggieman721


Legacy of the Lost: Part Three
It was just a short time later when the three were standing in the bows of a ship, enjoying the spray being flung into their faces. Well, two of them were enjoying it, at any rate...

by kimssuperanimals


Results May Vary
Good throwing arm!

by return_of_itsy

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