Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 137,350,242 Issue: 277 | 2nd day of Awakening, Y9
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by gryffinrose

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Great stories!


The Golden Earring
She pulled open the mirror and swept her short hair back, and realised something was wrong...

by emsidoodles


Good Queen Iffizzstari
From her hidden cave, the Darkest Faerie looked upon the world with her scrying crystal... and when the Buzz caught her eye, she studied them with both avarice and disgust. These... creatures... are much too bright and happy, she thought...

by kikiscamps_mom


o_O Randomness...

by kiwi_sunlight


The Woos and Woes of a Winged Neopet
The breathtaking feeling of soaring over layers of fluffy white clouds is bound to capture some of our imaginations. But it's not all as admirable as it may look!

by rainbow2skittle

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