A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 137,350,242 Issue: 277 | 2nd day of Awakening, Y9
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The Bunker

by hubadawaha

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Ten Ways to Annoy Your Sibling(s)
Jake was bored. I mean, he was really bored...

by alexrae963


No Comment: Crossover
It should be so easy.

Art by flufey_is_cute

by tirilia


Beginner's Guide to Stamp Collecting
Stamp collecting is a great new experience that can be pretty pricey, but is exciting and very addicting.

Also by pit_bull26

by pinkandprecious


Almost Insane: Too-Casual Friday
Looks like someone took "Casual Friday" a little too seriously.

by vehement

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