Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 183,344,781 Issue: 279 | 16th day of Awakening, Y9
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Subnormal Ingenuity

by dhej

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Common Mistakes
Of course we'll play!

by blublah81


Spyder Bite
He entered the living room. It was just like he'd expected it to look. His other sister Sara was clinging to the chandelier and a tiny Spyder was perched on the floor...

by jayandcourtneyk


The Thornberry Debate
"I don't like pink. Pink is not my kind of color. I am not putting this on market until you get rid of the pink..."

by angelwater630


Fluff and Ribbons
"It's not the message that bothers me," replied Rorey grumpily. "It's the way they go about proclaiming that message! Since when does love and cheer have to be pink?"

by laurelinden

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