A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 183,344,781 Issue: 279 | 16th day of Awakening, Y9
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Idle Chatter

by party_hobbit

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The Thornberry Debate
"I don't like pink. Pink is not my kind of color. I am not putting this on market until you get rid of the pink..."

by angelwater630


Tangled Up in Blu: Part Five
Blu sat bolt upright. Another dream, and another perturbing one at that. That figure, it must be the person who stole the Trident, she thought, but who is it?

by hotchick859


Sweet Valentine Thoughts
I made you a muffin...

Also by plutoplus1

by richnangela005


Petpet Adventures: Runaway - Part One
The Juma smiled and uncurled her body. "Yes, I am," she answered. "I woke my pet up, but I managed to escape in a couple of minutes..."

by rachelindea

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