Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 183,344,781 Issue: 279 | 16th day of Awakening, Y9
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Jubble Bubble

by crazy_kathy

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Petpet Adventures: Runaway - Part One
The Juma smiled and uncurled her body. "Yes, I am," she answered. "I woke my pet up, but I managed to escape in a couple of minutes..."

by rachelindea


Secret of the Advent Calendar: Part Three
"Are you crazy?" Kikoo asked. "The cage floor and bars are solid steel; even you can't dig through that! The only way to get rid of these bars is to melt them, and the only fire is guarded by the meepits..."

by 0199498115


One Big Happy Family: Part One
The owner paused for a second. "Hey, Robasia," she began slowly. "How would you feel about a brother or sister?"

by harry135535


Who Says Lennies Can't Fly?
Oh yeah?

Concept by blacebrander

by m3rcuri

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