Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 183,344,781 Issue: 279 | 16th day of Awakening, Y9
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The Neopian Life

by niumaten

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Who Says Lennies Can't Fly?
Oh yeah?

Concept by blacebrander

by m3rcuri


Jubble Bubble
What Jubble Bubble can't do...

by crazy_kathy


Kylie's Valentines
With a little 'phew' I stuck my lunch box in my pack and slipped it onto my back. I noticed a small pink, heart-shaped note on my desk. A card? For me?

by pupluvr7177


Tangled Up in Blu: Part Five
Blu sat bolt upright. Another dream, and another perturbing one at that. That figure, it must be the person who stole the Trident, she thought, but who is it?

by hotchick859

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