There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 163,200,182 Issue: 280 | 23rd day of Awakening, Y9
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More Ways to Get Kicked Out of Meridell

by explorer_253

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Tangled Up in Blu: Part Six
"You have the gift!" he exclaimed. Blu was surprised to hear that it was pride, not fury, that oozed from his rumbling voice. But unsure of what 'the gift' was, she stared blankly at the smiling king...

by hotchick859


Boochi Attacks!
Ha ha, Boochi!

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Why don't you love me..?!

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Then Lily decided that Hatshepsut should be painted desert. You may not think this a melancholy thing, but it was for Hatshepsut; her old owner had named her Hatshepsut in the hopes of one day painting her desert...

by krishpine4

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