Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 163,200,182 Issue: 280 | 23rd day of Awakening, Y9
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Boochi Attacks!

by btcomsa12

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The Perils of a Pet Rock! #1 Island
Something hasn't happened!

by cocoa_x_kitty


Wishful Thinking
Will you show me how?

by sarika_ambrielle


Echoes||Finality: Part One
So much had happened in the last few days that my head was swimming. I had gone from an average citizen to a soldier to a hero to a condemned convict in a few short hours...

by freakogamer91


Sword of the Shapeshifter: Part Five
Revenge's glowing red eyes burned into Darigan's. “You were nothing. A living chalice of misery to be drunk from whenever we pleased. A cheap and tattered plaything. As you will be again..."

Art by sarahleeadvent

by sarahleeadvent

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