Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 136,210,130 Issue: 282 | 9th day of Running, Y9
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The Lost Idea

by yoyote


A Wocky and a Shoyru danced out into the sun.

     “Hey, Yoofyoof! Come and join us in our game!” Yinna called merrily over her shoulder.

     “Yinna’s right! It’s unhealthy to mope around all day,” Blippita added, flicking her emerald wings.

     Yoofyoof’s gentle eyes were directed toward the ground. “I’m not moping,” he said quietly. “I just don’t feel like playing, that’s all.”

     His sisters glanced at each other, shrugged, and went away.

     The yellow Kacheek raised his head and watched them disappear into the garden. Then, picking his tread with care, he made his way out of their Neohome. He paused at the door – he knew he should always tell Yoyote whenever he went out. But today... he sighed, turned, and walked into the clamour of Neopia Central.

     Excited shouts and rich scents were wafting from the Food Shop. “Hot cakes! Fresh out of the oven! Cans of Neocola! Sweet and refreshing!” “Mamma, Mamma, can I have a chocolate bar, please?” “I’m not going any lower than 800 NP for this great item!” “All the cookies are sold out! You’ll have to come back later!”

     Someone bumped into Yoofyoof. “Oops! Watch where you’re going, lad!” the old Meerca exclaimed good-naturedly, stooping to pick up her books.

     “I’m sorry,” Yoofyoof murmured, but the words had barely slipped out of his mouth when a white Gelert jostled past him on the way to the Money Tree. “Nooo!” the Gelert was howling angrily. “That keyring was mine! Give me that plushie, now... oh, please!”

     “Too late... somebody seems to have taken that item while you were pondering,” the yellow Acara told him.

     “But I wasn’t pondering! I was grabbing as fast as I could!”

     Yoofyoof ducked under the Gelert’s roaring face, squeezed past a pair of chatty Kougras, and leapt out of the way of a galloping Uni... the crowd seemed to go on forever.

     Finally, he was standing in front of the stone statue.

     Ah... yes, the stone statue. Everything else seemed to fade into whispers behind it. Even now, after he had seen it so many times, the Kacheek found himself staring at it in silent awe.

     The stone Chia’s contours gleamed delicately in the flickering light. Upon his head sat the great hat, its stone feather curving over in a graceful arc. In one hand he held a long, smooth scroll, his other hand raised in dramatic emphasis. His eyes were squinted in passion, and his mouth was half-open, as though crying out some important announcement.

     The stone statue was a work of art.

     Yoofyoof bowed his head reverently before it and stepped into the shadow of the secret path. The path sloped easily downwards... and within moments he was in another world.

     The deep catacombs were filled with hushed wonders. It was one of the secret places of Neopia, hidden deep beneath the main town. Here fire flickered against stone, and lovers of art and literature gathered.

     The yellow Kacheek sighed with pleasure. His shoulders relaxed visibly, and he no longer held his tail stiff. He walked swiftly, happily, towards the nearest group of artists.

     They were sharing their experiences on how to draw. “It’s easy, really,” a tall blue Blumaroo was saying, pointing at his sketch of a Chia. “The whole body is simply an egg-shaped oval.”

     Yoofyoof watched for a while, his eyes keenly tracing the lines. Then a flowing, rhythmic voice jerked him out of his concentration and he drifted towards the poets.

     “In Neopia, the poets fair... gathered here and gathered there...”

     Yoofyoof nodded appreciatively, and clapped when the recitation was finished. He stayed to hear a few more poems before wandering deeper into the catacombs.

     He spent a short time looking at the display of collectable coins in the coin shop, admiring the intricacy of their designs. The shopkeeper, a large blue Skeith, bent towards him with a grin. “You want to buy some coins?”

     “No, no... I’m just looking,” mumbled Yoofyoof, backing out of the shop.

     Outside, he stood for a moment and looked around. A small group was gathered around a warm fire, listening to a story being told. The storyteller’s voice lifted above the crackling flames, echoing softly in the firelight. Nearby a stout Chia stood waving a copy of the Neopian Times, asking if anyone wanted to buy one. Yoofyoof searched himself for Neopoints, but couldn’t find any. He nodded sadly at the paper-boy and walked on past.

     The aroma from Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe floated lightly throughout the catacombs. Yoofyoof felt a little lightheaded. He hurried quickly past the shop, trying not to look at the cakes and coffee behind the glass.

     His feet came to a stop before some stone steps. Yoofyoof glanced up, and was immediately drawn by the mysterious glow of the art gallery. A vast excitement swelled up in his small body... he stumbled hastily up the stairs.

     The walls were covered with paint. Jagged streaks of dark mountains, light swishes of blue-green water, bright dots of vivid Neopets’ eyes... Yoofyoof was lost, sliding from one picture to the next, lost in a world of dreams.

     He felt a dim desire rise in him, the same desire as always, only now it was weary and faint. He sat down on the cold floor, fixed his eyes on the paintings, and let the time pass.

     Night descended. Outside, voices were saying goodbye and things were being packed up. Fires were being dimmed.

     Yoofyoof did not want to move.

     “Everything cleared up?” a distant voice was saying.

     “Yes. Just a few more fires to extinguish—”

     Pfft. The torches of the art gallery went out.

     Yoofyoof leapt up with a yelp. The darkness pressed down on him from all directions, leering and sneering with a black ferocity. Yoofyoof groped around frantically, tripping as he ran, but the evil spirits kept chasing him—

     A ghostly shape appeared, materializing out of the gloom. Yoofyoof whimpered, covering his eyes, pressing his ears into his head. It’s the end now, he thought desperately. It’s all over...

     “Yoofyoof? Are you all right? I’ve been searching everywhere for you!”

     It was Yoyote.

     Yoofyoof sobbed with relief. “Oh, Yoyote,” he choked, “I thought—”

     “Hush. Don’t worry. Everything’s fine. I’ve found you and you’re safe now.”

     All the way home, the Kacheek let himself be carried in Yoyote’s warm, gentle arms.


     Back at home, surrounded by his siblings, Yoofyoof sat at the dinner table. Yoyote handed out steaming servings of omelette. The room was filled with starlight.

     “Tell us what happened, Yoofyoof,” said Yoyote kindly. “Why did you run off by yourself?”

     Yoofyoof’s cheeks tinged with pink embarrassment. “I was looking for my lost idea,” he said. “I wanted to make a splendid work of art, and I got a wonderful idea when I was down in the catacombs... but I lost it! So I thought... I thought maybe I’d find it again...” He laughed nervously, aware of how silly he sounded. Then he sobered and said miserably, “But I didn’t find it. It was such a wonderful idea. I was going to make a grand masterpiece and surprise you all... but now it’s gone forever.”

     Yoyote laughed. “You don’t have to look so sad! You already have a great idea!”


     “Of course!” said Yinna. “You have an amazing owner that loves you...”

     “...and two beautiful sisters who support you...” Blippita chimed in.

     “...and a great passion for art!” Yoyote finished triumphantly. “What better things to make an artwork with?”

     And sitting there by the coconut glass table, surrounded by his loving family, Yoofyoof the Kacheek couldn’t help but smile.

The End

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