A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 136,210,130 Issue: 282 | 9th day of Running, Y9
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Sword of the Shapeshifter: Part Seven
The Kougra's eyes were harder and sharper than the blade that shimmered in her hand, but she wasted no breath in shooting back, choosing instead to let the sword do the talking...

Art by sarahleeadvent

by sarahleeadvent


The Ultimate Guide to the Moon
Please remember to wear your Space Suit before going to Kreludor. It will give you what oxygen you need and will keep you grounded so that you don't float away...

by speredude321


Neopaltropaly: The Last Allusion
The rule of the village was that only green neopets were allowed to live there. It was said that other colors attracted the horrible monster...

by amy112002


The Extra
I can only recall one moment when I found myself feeling like I was worth something to someone. Feeling like I mattered...

by jelleyfrosting

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