Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 136,210,130 Issue: 282 | 9th day of Running, Y9
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5 NP a Day

by lindseywest

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One of the many uses for the Scary Dark Potion...

by penguizon


Torn Loyalties and Broken Promises
It was today, the final day, that had excited murmurs racing throughout the packed crowd. Tensions ran high, for today was the biggest event of all - the hero's exhibition match...

by jjquil


One Big Happy Family: Part Four
The Lupe reread the letter, hoping beyond hope that she had somehow misinterpreted the neat writing. But it still gave her the same terrible news. Rfawn had run away. He was gone. And it was her fault...

by harry135535


Petpet Adventures: Runaway - Part Four
The port lay before Folfeux. It was built on a large cove to the west of Shenkuu and the water glistened dully in the late afternoon light. It had only taken a day to reach, but already the small Juma was tired...

by rachelindea

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