A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 136,210,130 Issue: 282 | 9th day of Running, Y9
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Just Funny

by julia_200611

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Just Another Usul Day
When we first met Xituious, we were all a little worried... We still are.

by chiluvr2469


Riding the Turdle
It has the underlying values that depict the Meridellian lifestyle and the enchantment of the "slow and steady wins the race" philosophy. It is... Turdle Racing.

by diva_esque


Me & My Mootix - Is This Tour Safe?
In honor of Gadgadsbogen, we take a tour of Mystery Island. Is the Island Mystic usually right?

by peri0neo


Snowager Tips
Spazz's Snowager tips are guaranteed; we will send you a medic and a new tail if you are not satisfied.

by soaringeagle25

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