Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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Day Jobs

by explorer_253

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The Ka-DOLT-ery
One of the reasons why kadoaties don't ask for Draik eggs at the Kadoatery anymore...

by lissy_chan


The (Fortunately) Disappearing Pencil Sharpener
"Since you have all been such brilliant students, I have brought from home, for all of you to use this year, a classroom pencil sharpener!"

by maxalt


Nonsense: Geraptiku
Muty meets the island natives.

by kai_pawz


CHOMP CHOMP... The Evil Peanut Chia!!! Part 1
You eat AT this table. You don't eat the table itself.

by crystal_snow_15_

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