A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 169,514,957 Issue: 284 | 23rd day of Running, Y9
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Master Plan?

by celrbubbles

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Fables: Similarity by Comparison
'Oh, relax, Tear!'

by ann13131313131


Pointless Nonsense - Games Room
They really redid the games room, didn't they?

by petfriendamy


Guardian of the Lagoon
"But, Mom," complained Melusine. "We've only been here for two days. We wanna explore a little! It's beautiful out there, and I want to go swimming. You know, in the pond that the waterfall flows into..."

by sybaris


Shadowflame: The Seeker
"At first I found you annoying and unworthy of my presence. But you have a sort of spunk we don't often see in the Grey..."

by brains03

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