For an easier life Circulation: 149,520,230 Issue: 285 | 30th day of Running, Y9
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Me and Them

by hamtaro6969

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Guardian: Part Two
Rionex turned around and glared at Sage. "Mom, they'd still think I'm crazy!" she cried angrily. "Why don't you want me to go near large bodies of water? Why won't you tell me even who my dad is? Why won't you explain anything to me?"

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A Million Little Unis: The Green Uni Controversy
To shed some light on the Green Uni Project, I interviewed a sock puppet that claimed to be a member of the GUP. Maybe he was, I don't know. Everybody seems to be nowadays; it's the new 'in' thing...

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Lost With Isaerios: Part One
"Jeanie, I haven't even gotten over the last vacation you dragged me on, and now you want me to go on a tour to the highest elevations in Neopia? Are you kidding?"

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An Explanation for the Unexplained: Plot Points
Ever wonder why it takes so long?

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