Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 138,002,725 Issue: 286 | 6th day of Eating, Y9
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A Carrot's Life

by ooorianeoo

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Easter in the Gnome Underground
"I was going to send you on a pointless gnome quest and erase your memories after you're back on the surface with the book, but I have a much better plan..."

by myfallenrevival4


Tangled Up in Blu: Part Twelve
A tall, elegant water faerie lay on the beach before her, her turquoise scales glistening in the mid-afternoon sunlight...

by hotchick859


Petpet Adventures: Runaway - Part Eight
She had been trying to make him angry, and she succeeded. With an angry snarl, he launched himself towards her, waving Thyra's Dagger angrily...

by rachelindea


Attack of the Petpetpets
Games such as 'Itchy Invasion' and 'Cooty Wars' clearly base themselves on discrimination of petpetpets...

by shadowmaster3334

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