The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 138,002,725 Issue: 286 | 6th day of Eating, Y9
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Fer Sure

by redlotusninja

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Great stories!


Fun at the Fairground
"Why would we go to Roo Island? Did you think we were visiting the merry go round there? No, we're going to a real circus, the Deserted Fairground!"

by mystery_island111223


"Rock, Paper, Scissors"
Only one piece of cake left.

Also by pinkandprecious

by harper_1618


Of Holes and Headaches
You ready?

Script by tambourine_chimp

by ghostkomorichu


Easter in the Gnome Underground
"I was going to send you on a pointless gnome quest and erase your memories after you're back on the surface with the book, but I have a much better plan..."

by myfallenrevival4

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