teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 138,839,046 Issue: 287 | 13th day of Eating, Y9
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No Comment : Crossover- Soo thirsty..

by tirilia

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It's Hard Being A Pear
Don't you think life is hard being a pear?

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The Shadows: Part Four
"That's why the Earth Faeries and Dark Faeries hate each other, in case you were wondering..."

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Lost With Isaerios: Part Three
"Now shut up while I think of a way to cook you. I suppose I could eat you raw – no, that won't do. The last raw Xweetok I had gave me heartburn. Grilled? No. I can never eat grilled again after that Nimmo..."

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Friend or Foe?
RUN for your virtual lives!

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