Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 149,520,230 Issue: 285 | 30th day of Running, Y9
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Shiny: Faerie Wars

by tamia_silverwing

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Niki & Niko: April Fools Day
I must find something to play a trick on Niki today...

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Peas and Carrots: a Soupy Situation
"MWAHAHAHAHA!" cackled the devious Chia. "I have done it! I have found the evilest way to avenge the fall of the Zebinator and finally dominate Neopia!"

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Traveller's Tales
Well, since when?

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Sean slumped in his chair. It was always this way. He always tried to help people. Sure, he realized that sometimes he got sidetracked...

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