Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 139,075,757 Issue: 288 | 20th day of Eating, Y9
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Strawberry Adventures 2

by seel24

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She TOLD Me To...
The Water Faerie says a few magical words and...

by texastiki


How to Get That Fabulous Pet You've Always Wanted
There's lots of ways to change your pets, aren't there?

by foxo11


Geraptiku's Song
Overhead flew a strange bird, glittering brightly in the light and blazing with all the colors of the rainbow. It opened its mouth and let out a call, a song, high and eerie but beautifully wild...

by eleanor111


A Simple Matter of Money
Fouchier is quite possibly the most introverted, sneaky little Lupe you will ever find. He hides everything he buys from me in the innermost reaches of his room, and when I try to question him about his purchases, all I get in return is...

by fading_foliage

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