Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 142,557,853 Issue: 289 | 27th day of Eating, Y9
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The 411 On Coffees and Teas
Is there really anything better than waking up to a snack of Jelly Coffee?

by bailey_watro


How to Rescue Petpets From the Evil Gargrall!
Be prepared to start straight away and be aware you will not be able to stop until you quit or it's game over!

by rabbit_jade


IOMing It Up
This guide isn't really about telling you how to play. This guide is more for people who have tried to play and failed miserably. :P

by pretty_feet


Becoming a Spy
It's deep within the heart of every Neopet. The need to be sneaky arises from time to time. It's a dream shared by all--to be a spy...

by lytening10

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