Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 139,341,920 Issue: 290 | 4th day of Hunting, Y9
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Tales of Interest

by cati65

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The Portrait: Part Two
Some sat in chairs, awaiting the auction in silence. Others spoke in circles and pairs, in whispers and sighs, of Mrs. Prynn and her extensive collection. There was one in attendance who stuck out from the rest...

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Oh the Irony...
Caution: Neopet-Eating Carp Ahead!

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The Ghost of Meridell: Part Eight
Jeran didn't twitch an ear. He didn't turn around or do anything whatsoever to acknowledge the knight's presence. He only reloaded his crossbow, took aim, and fired...

by kt_fox


The Un-Surprise Party
"I don't know. What kind of surprise?" I tried to play the fool, but I was an expert on surprise parties...

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