Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 139,341,920 Issue: 290 | 4th day of Hunting, Y9
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Down For Maintenance

by linnipooh

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Welcome To My Life
Where're we from?

by jambammer


Omelette Uh-Oh!
Oh dear! Looks like I'll be feeding my pets Jelly from now on!

by kako144555


Neoschools: Where Is TNT Hiding Them?!
It is not because there is no other place on the map for a school. It is not because they think many of our pets are already well learned. It is not because they enjoy making us suffer with impatience. No...

by jeanaet


Rupert's First Mission
Lots of fighting, they had said, when the recruiters came to the doors of his and his parents' little farm house, located on a quiet area of a fluffy white Babaa. Like a fool, he'd accepted their offer...

by puffpastry654

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