White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 161,608,688 Issue: 291 | 11th day of Hunting, Y9
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So I Heard the Altador Cup is Coming Back...

by krychek2001

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Secrets and Shadows: Part Two
What an enigma! She seemed to be an ideal officer from the brief impression he had of her, but the Tonu commander had what was obviously a long-standing feud with his subordinate...

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Spheres of Influence: Part Ten
The fire Kougra summoned up as much magical energy as he could muster. Tongues of flame lit up through his fur as his power increased. He cupped his paws to channel the energy, waiting for the moment to strike...

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A word with the Princess of Shenkuu...

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Dark Friend: Part Four
"What did she mean by 'ordinary citizen'?" Cindon wondered. "And who or what is 'the Indera'?"

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