Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 140,357,144 Issue: 294 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y9
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Little Orby

by tashni

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Fyora Day... Muffin Talk??
This shows how one small little Fyora Muffin makes a difference for the other faerie muffins... by being too original. ^.^

by xx_yuna___xx


The Lonely Spardel
She thought she may have found such an adventure when, in the distance, she saw a creaky old shack. As she approached, she noticed that there was an old sign in front...

by alex0905


t0t4lly r4d c0m1c
Advice: Never eat a fish you find on the sidewalk!

by mimed


The Secret Behind Boochi
I am going to paint you royal!

by pink_xplosion

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