Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 140,357,144 Issue: 294 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y9
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The Trouble with Whack-a-Kass

by yaketsuki

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Banana Juice
ANOTHER Usuki Frenzy comic?!

by tewa380


A Day with a Legend
"Oh," Lily said. "You mean the Judge Hog that spends all of his time flashing smiles at the camera instead of actually contributing to Neopia?"

by munchkin24547


A Passing Grade
"Shennaralix III! Stop stargazing and listen! If you spent more time studying and less time daydreaming, you'd get decent scores. Instead.."

by _requiems_


Life gets complicated when you're a plushie.

by firecat5

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