Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 141,450,161 Issue: 296 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Laundry Problems

by cherry_sakura

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Edna's Shadow - The New Challenge
Living in the Haunted Woods all those years has certainly gotten to her and she now has a shadow following her around and helping her to collect ingredients for all her freaky potions. You play as Edna AND her shadow.

by gurgi150


A Gelert on Treasure Island
Day 4

I was awakened this morning by a school of Noak nibbling on my paws. There is still no sign of land or rescue...

by ngc_5128


An Illusion Spun: Part Six
She darted through the opening, tensed, her paws in front of her, ready for action. But Rhina, the malicious faerie bent on world domination, was nowhere to be found...

by raizindaroof


Battledome Tip #1
Why *not* to use your Honey Potion first...

by faerie_essence

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