Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 141,450,161 Issue: 296 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Bite Me

by nanu_kid

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A Pirate's Tale
"Ello, prettykins..." the Aisha drawled, her Krawk Island accent creeping into her voice, "it seems you've come to me for a story..."

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Ailemea Smiled: Part Four
"Now, Jeanie, I don't know if that is the way to go about this," I said, my voice shaking at the thought of a day alone with that... that mime...

by jeanaet


Grumpy Old Sea Dog
I HATE Neggs. I feel sick. :(

by luvas


Moral of the story: don't eat anything 100% ice.

by hyun713

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