The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 141,450,161 Issue: 296 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Feisty Faeries

by starlitdown

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"But I am in the forest," protested Crash. "The forest belongs to no one; therefore, I can roam where I want..."

by timberwolf77121


Grumpy Old Sea Dog
I HATE Neggs. I feel sick. :(

by luvas


Kreludor's Absence - Mistake or Master Plot?
That's right, what this reporter has uncovered is a horrifying truth behind the absence of Kreludor from the year's major sporting event...

by monkeylusoup


The Bunker
Vrilyo REFUSES to wear spandex. T_T Ever.

by hubadawaha

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