teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 143,141,548 Issue: 299 | 6th day of Swimming, Y9
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In My Life

by firefree_animegirl

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The Three of Us
Survival of the fittest...?

by fading_tranquility


The Honorary Feepit vs. The Darkest Meepit
"This must be a trick," scoffed Rufus. "A meepit would never come to a feepit for help..."

by ashflash


A Fiery Friendship: Part Two
Then, to everyone's surprise, Jeran Borodere walked outside. "I thought I should see whether or not the squire I sponsored is any good." The giant Lupe winked...

by kandeegrrl


Diary of a Yooyuballer – Rinok Fitel
Rinok Fitel, Terror Mountain's star Bori defender, on the first day of tournament matches...

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by rookina

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