Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 155,861,765 Issue: 298 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y9
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The Altador Cup

by gawa

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Safe No Longer
Hiya! Scrap here. Cappy wants me to write down everything that happens. He says it's so he doesn't have to keep a captain's log....

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Fashion Fever
Disclaimer: Customization closet doesn't provide a taste in clothes.

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Waiting for Anna: Part Six
He laughs. "I lost my name a long time ago," he says, breaking eggs into a pan and taking them to the stovetop. "In a book somewhere, I think..."

by extreme_fj0rd


I'll Never Forget
Serenity walked in the door, with the glint of a plan shining through her eyes. She looked exactly like she were about to do something shocking...

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