For an easier life Circulation: 143,909,097 Issue: 302 | 27th day of Swimming, Y9
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In a Nutshell

by twosock

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Mundane Insanity
I guess even piles of sludge have feelings...

by maldijo_uno


Ice Cream: Part Two
Along one wall was a row of what looked like giant cones for ice cream, empty and on their sides. Adee ran over to them...

by sikki_lo


Being Me
It didn't really matter what they thought of me, of course. Their opinions, though often expressed pointedly to me in the hallways, meant nothing to someone who was proud to call herself a unique individual...

by reggieman721


Neoschool - I HATE Spyders
Humm... err... well... SPYDER!!

by luliyoyo

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