Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 144,089,195 Issue: 303 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y9
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Neopian Asylum

by gypsy_mystic

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Silly Veespa
Then you finally jump on one of my petpets?!?!

by lacreamosa


The Jelly Chia: Evil, or Publicly Humiliated?
But who is this creature? And why would it ever be driven to do such a horrible thing? And is it REALLY evil, or does it just need some professional help?

by ubquitous


Protecting Yourself From the MSPP Plushie
So, your owner just spent 10 million neopoints on the MSPP plushie, assuring you that all those silly tales of pets who mysteriously disappear the night after they bought it are just urban legends, and that you'll have LOADS of fun with your new "buddy". LIES!!!

by fluffy645385


Yanny and Jawsfins
Just an ordinary day at the beach?

by welshdemure

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