Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 143,481,830 Issue: 301 | 20th day of Swimming, Y9
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Altador Cup - Choosing Teams is Difficult!

by cevierakasky

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A Guide to Guide Making
In this guide you will learn how to successfully transfer your Neopian knowledge into a guide fit for a king.

by lemonlovingcutie


The Uneventful Adventures of FRED & DEMITRI
Maybe he is a little over-enthusiastic... nahh.

by xtreamerider01


Double-edged Blade

by ssjelitegirl


Curse of the Werelupe: Part Five
Minotaur slapped his paw to his forehead. Could they be any more stupid? They were in the Haunted Woods for Fyora's sake. You weren't supposed to go crashing around...

by rachelindea

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