Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 143,481,830 Issue: 301 | 20th day of Swimming, Y9
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Lost Integrity

by _demon_master

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Ice Cream: Part One
Out of the corner of her eye she caught movement, coming closer, and then it became a cloud Kacheek, who was walking toward the ice cream, reaching toward the ice cream...

by sikki_lo


Tucked away in a deserted corner of the Haunted Woods was a large cave that the Pant Devil called his home. Though it looked like a rather tiny cave from the outside, the interior of the cavern was as large as...

by olivia_2022


The Time to Listen
"Hi, I'm Jordan, and it's my first day here too," I said, happy to get the sentence out without being knocked over...

by reggieman721


Who Are You More Like: Isca or Caylis?
When you're trying to decide whether to buy a 'Fluffy Isca Rug' or a 'Caylis Wind Up Toy', this will help you.

by alma_jean

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