A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 145,941,808 Issue: 306 | 24th day of Hiding, Y9
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Candy Mountain

by auroran

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The Dark Faeries' Apprentice: Part Two
Neofaerie waited a few seconds before coughing. "I still know nothing," he shot at the pair. "Let's skip to the part where you led us into a trap and tried to drown me in lava!"

by neo_star_queen


A Bori Story: Phear the n00bs
LYK ZOMG!!!!11 n00b STAMPEDE!!!!

by pikemaster1


Six Questions About Shoyrus Answered
Being the owner of four Shoyrus myself, I'll be explaining....

by hkhalie


What About the Tonus?
Do you, may I ask, truly love the Tonus for who they are? The majority of you will probably say...

by evildarkchocolate257

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