Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 177,384,943 Issue: 309 | 14th day of Gathering, Y9
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Dear Neopets Team...

by featherwingedangel

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Random Neothought

by dptdtkf


School Supplies to Lead You to the Top of Your Class
The best notebook out there is the Grey Notebook. Your teacher will love trying to read your homework through the tear marks on the paper...

by susankidwell


Kadoatery Khronicles: Part One
"Look! There's the Kadoatery! Doesn't it look nice?" Ciasa said loudly as she stopped in front of the building. The Kadoatie didn't quite think so...

by dpickle26


The Valley of Spam
Should we trust him?

by chichikokoyamma

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