Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 177,384,943 Issue: 309 | 14th day of Gathering, Y9
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by sharkies

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Neopets Unbound: A Guide to Mouseless Gaming
The first thing to know is that lacking a mouse (or a reliable one) is not the end of the world. Far from it. There are plenty of games that don't require a broad range of motion or dexterity with your cursor!

by literatehyaena


Reunited: Part Four
Shanna could hardly believe it. A feeling of uncontrollable joy and elation swept over her. "Father's here!"

by kandeegrrl


The Treasure at the End
"The job she advertises does strike me as dangerous... though of course, nothing that involves Masila is carefree..."

by xblondie_babyx


Ximera's Home Video: The Red Tail
NOO!!! My brother's a cannibal!! I can't believe it!!!

by ximera

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