There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 177,384,943 Issue: 309 | 14th day of Gathering, Y9
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Mutants Are Classy

by dig_that_maniac

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Star Power: Part Five
She shot her reflection in the mirror an interrogating glare. "You know what, Lena, I'm sick of you," she said to herself...

by springsteen0991


Annual Chocolate Ball Better Than Ever
Streamers made of dark chocolate drape the room elegantly. Gift bags of chocolate are carried around...

by princess325145


Be Original
Happened at the BC Board: "OMG PLZ VOT 4 MI ENTRY I DONT CHAET ITS HAND DRAWN!!11!!"

by doomsays_


Kadoatery Khronicles: Part One
"Look! There's the Kadoatery! Doesn't it look nice?" Ciasa said loudly as she stopped in front of the building. The Kadoatie didn't quite think so...

by dpickle26

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