Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 177,384,924 Issue: 312 | 5th day of Collecting, Y9
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Freefalls Into Lunacy

by firefree_animegirl

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Non Existent 101
It's a conundrum.

by dark_wil


Five Key Ways to Survive the Pet Rating System
Now, in what seems to be a feature created because of these boards' popularity, a 5-star rating system has been introduced for each pet on his or her pet lookup...

by silverspiderwebz


War For The Loading Screen
Who will win this epic fight on the loading screen!

by 3puspus


Deep Secrets: Part Seven
He had been a war hero, yes; he was the king of the Desert, yes; but he was old, and fading. He told Demetrius the same five stories again and again...

by extreme_fj0rd

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