A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 177,384,884 Issue: 315 | 26th day of Collecting, Y9
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by buzzbuzz_g27

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Handy Halloween Bash Hints
It's time to break out those Caramel Apples and Jack-o-Lanterns, because our scariest holiday- besides Usukicon, of course- is just around the corner...

by nagara_and_samarae


31 Neopian Ways To Celebrate Halloween
If you are one of those who is not content with idle chatter when excitement is accessible, here are some fun suggestions...

by imsleepingbeauty


Darkest Corner : Have a Spooky Halloween!!!!

by dark_elfa


Kadma(i)nia - The Series (Part #3)
At the Snowager's Lair

Also by tinkx

by kazukazue

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