Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 113,881,443 Issue: 159 | 24th day of Gathering, Y6
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Wishful Thinking

by barbcat00

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"What are you doing out here?" Natalie pressed, slipping into the darkness and scouting for the source of the noise. "It's too late to be out. Did you slip away from home? C'mon, we need to get you out of here."

by child_dragon


How to Create your Perfect Castle
Yes, move over Hannah, and watch out Tyrannian Mini Golf, it seems Valrigard the Draik has a new fan club.

by undeadfortune


Nice Puppy?
BOW BEFORE THIS...hum...queen?

by asusse


Confessions: Mr Nuggles
Aww, it's not that bad!

by fuzzy_green_glue

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